Il-Knisja f'Għawdex

Safeguarding Commission Gozo

The Catholic Church in Malta and Gozo is fully committed to its safeguarding responsibilities. This commitment is rooted in natural justice and the life of Christ, whose attitude and approach to children and the most vulnerable is clearly demonstrated in the Gospels. Therefore, any maltreatment, abuse, or exploitation of minors and vulnerable adults is inherently contrary to the dignity of the human person, and the mission, teachings, and laws of the Church.

The purpose of Safeguarding Policies is to create a safe Church in Malta and Gozo, where the wellbeing of minors and vulnerable adults is of the utmost importance. The Church in Malta and Gozo is committed to promote a culture of safeguarding, with minors and vulnerable adults at the forefront of its considerations when developing its policies, practices, and procedures.

The Safeguarding Commission is an entity founded by the Maltese Episcopal Conference and the Conference of Major Religious Superiors and is generally responsible for promoting safe environments in the Church.

The functions of the Safeguarding Commission are to:

  • Advise the Ordinaries on safeguarding matters.
  • Develop and review policies and procedures related to safeguarding matters.
  • Liaise with Church entity leaders on safeguarding matters.
  • Provide safeguarding prevention training in collaboration with educational entities.
  • Conduct research on safeguarding in collaboration with research entities.
  • Recommend risk management plans.
  • Coordinate audits on Church entities to ensure safeguarding standards.
  • Provide oversight and support to Designated Safeguarding Officers.
  • Conduct risk assessments and/or preliminary investigations upon request of an Ordinary.
  • Review preliminary investigation and/or risk assessment reports upon request of an Ordinary.
  • Care and advocate for complainants, victims, and secondary victims.
  • Collaborate with the Ordinaries in the care of the wellbeing of subjects of complaint.
  • Collaborate with the Police, the Child Protection Directorate, and other statutory agencies.
  • Maintain public and media relations with regards to safeguarding matters.

Safeguarding Office

Loraine Borg
Head of Safeguarding

Francine Farrugia Magrin
Safeguarding Officer – Investigation and Assessment Team

Noel Cini Pisani
Safeguarding Officer – Investigation and Assessment Team

Advisory Board

Dr Michael Galea
Clinical Psychologist and Chair

Dr Simon Mifsud
Consultant Paediatrician and Member

Pauline Grech
Ex-Head of School and Deputy Chair

Marie Claude Xerri
Teacher and Member

Dr Chantelle Azzopardi
Consultant Psychiatrist and Member

Dr Stanley Joe Portelli
Legal Advisor

Safeguarding Commission’s Organigram

Contact Us

+356 79838953
[email protected]
[email protected]